Prophecy Boy

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Prophecy Boy
Running time
Production code
Flash sideways
Viewers (mil)
Centric characters
Centric character
Other backstory characters
Other backstory character
Written & Directed by
Directed by
Cast Featured
{{{cast featured}}}
Also Starring
Special Guest Star
Archive footage

"Prophecy Boy" is the 16th episode of Once Upon a Penis.

Summary[edit | edit source]

Cinderali appears to become suspicious of Blow White's shady behavior, while the Evil Queer is unsure of whether or not to actually cast his curse, in the wake of tragedy. Meanwhile, the Boob Fairy decides the time has come to put a stop to the Dark One, which sends her on a quest to determine his undoing, one that parallels a quest the two of them went on together some time before, to find a prophecy about a Savior destined to bring forth the happy endings...

Plot[edit | edit source]

Unanswered Questions[edit | edit source]

  • Why was Rena running for his life in flashbacks?
  • What is Blow's history with red apples?
  • How do the stories get crossed over and toned down for Rena's world?
  • Why did Rumple give Rena a magic condom?
  • How did the Queer take his father's kingdom?
  • Why does Rumple want Ali's firstborn?
  • Why couldn't the Queer rip out Rena's heart? Does he really not have one?
  • What quest did the Boob Fairy and Rumple go on?
  • How and when did Slutty Red become a werewolf?
  • How did Gabrielle Charming die?
  • How did Ali's father steal Rumple's family? Why does Rumple want to darken Ali's heart?
  • Who killed Anitta Red? Was the Hunterer involved in her murder?
  • Why was Rena sentenced to court-mandated therapy?
  • What happened to Willy?
  • What are the origin and the content of the prophecy regarding Rena? Why did he freak out upon reading it?
  • How did Rumple acquire the curse? Where does it come from?