Talk:The Price of Loyalty

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Jdg98's Review[edit source]

What's going on? I'm so confused! :( Gee, you must be a real smart cookie to understand these kinds of texts, I don't have an actual clue what's happening in this thing. Astral projection? Wtf is that? And shouldn't it be asstral? Tehe. No, but seriously. I'm lost.

Lmao imagine a whole review like that. Wouldn't you just wanna blow your fucking brains out? Really I had no trouble coherently understanding what was going on in this episode, I just didn't much care for it. Soz. Which is the name of one of the many lands we visited this ep, setting up a whole bunch of stories that are probably never gonna be written because, like, I'm not the one writing them, and I'm the only community member with a semi-committal bone in their body let's be real. I'm committing to this review, for instance, even though I so can't be arsed. I'm drained by other things other than the ep, but the ep did kinda drain me, so there's that.

So here we are. The Imp's centric. And, the Imp died. A part of me was expecting it, after the whole thing where the flashbacks ended on the Imp being underappreciated and I didn't care in the slightest because, well, it's the Imp, yunno? And I don't think I've ever particularly disliked the Imp, but I've never particularly liked him either, and so if there was any part of his character/humour that I found enjoyable, this episode's existence pretty much guaranteed that I'd be over it fast. And I was. Just found him less and less entertaining as the ep went on, and I thought I'd be a little relieved when he died, but you managed to make that not the case. Instead, it was incredibly frustrating, as he never got to warn Josh about the fucked-upness of the curse and what he'd have to sacrifice, yadda yadda. So... like... now we know... four eps from the finale (in my head we were like 9 eps away so, writing this, is making it better)... and like, no one in the show does, and we're gonna have to watch him grappling with a decision where we already know the outcome... and Midass stroked his son's hair and did I miss them making amends or just...

We got to see what the curse would be like, which I suppose was necessary since, lol, obviously the heroes are gonna stop that from being able to happen, and we had to see what stakes the Queer was actually posing. And it was fun. Kinda. I mean, the jokes about gays were kinda hitting me the wrong way at first, not that I'm one to usually get offended by stuff, but moo, maybe enhanced by the fact that I wasn't really feeling the ep, and then they kept coming, so yeah. ALSO, the ONE time I get to be gay in a fanfiction and I'm making out with a fucking CRICKET?! I'd rather Porn had been absent, THX.

The more I read this ep, the more I think it should have been called "A Gay Old Time". Though perhaps that would interfere with the proposed melancholyness of the ending. The Dog pooped. Rena prolly lied about his wife, right? Or else we'd have seen it? Idk, all I know is that this episode was brimming with meta. Though ig they all are. Maybe I'm not making a point. Ali got double-raped. Porn didn't appear in the IRL.

What else? I feel as though I had another complaint, which, LOL, I'm sure is not what you wanted to hear... or maybe not, idek. I was reading this very tired last night, and reading it this morning was half-obligation and half-me-procrastinating. Still needa exercise and go to the library, oy oy oy.

Oh. The best joke of the ep was the Caterpila saying, "Who... the fuck... are you?" Hehe. Also lol the stepsisters got mistaken for men. El Horado was said like a thousand times, considering I feel like I've never ever read it before.

This episode was read by me.

Jdg98 (talk) 15:29, 6 November 2017 (UTC)

Shame that you didn't enjoy the episode more. The Imp was always my least favorite character to write for, more so than the stepsisters. I feel like I could never get the tone right with the Imp, and this episode was quite frustrating to write, for a wide variety of reasons: it's a filler, it's more humorous than serious which isn't exactly my expertise, and then of course there's the fact that Jo totally flaked on me. Repeatedly. I get that this episode wasn't a favorite of hers, but she gave the idea (showing Faggy Tail Land) and I thought it was only appropriate to run with it. As for the future stories we set up, hey, if we don't get around to doing them, at least you already have an idea of where we were headed. The vast majority of the references aren't just thrown in for kicks, we do have many things planned far ahead, whereas some stuff, obviously, is just there for the chuckles. Ultimately, I think this episode turned out much better than even I had anticipated, and I'm sure your reception of it was affected by your lack of disposition and by Jo's own appreciation of it. As for the review itself, obviously you were just biding your time, waiting for the right opportunity to get back at me. :P You little bitch. Bygones. El Horado has been a thing since 1.10, but I can understand why you wouldn't remember that, it was literally more than two years ago. In regards to Josh's decision, you need to keep in mind that the hypothetical scenario we were shown was just that, hypothetical, and that even Rumple himself doesn't always know the exact outcome of the things he predicts. So, the details of how the Queer casts the curse - or tries to, anyway - might vary and still surprise you. One hopes. Anyway, thanks for reading, as always, here's hoping the last few episodes of the season work better for you. Except the next one is also centric to a recurring character you surely don't give a fuck about, because honestly, neither do we. But hey, stories need telling. - Renaboss (talk) 18:08, 6 November 2017 (UTC)

DeviousPeep's Review[edit source]

Jesus, fuck me, I finally read the episode. Okay, so in all honesty I pretty much enjoyed none of this. That might sound a little harsh, which it is, but I don't know it's just this episode had quite a few things that could have worked but imo just didn't. Unlike Joe, I've adored the Imp in the past, and I've enjoyed writing for the Imp in the past (raping the Fucksman, NOM), but to have dedicated a whole episode to him... yeah, probably not the best move. Ultimately, he was more of a plot device to set up some future arcs and do a "what if" scenario for the curse, two things that coulda been good, but again, just weren't. Everything this episode kinda fell flat. I really didn't enjoy any of the flashbacks (including the one I wrote), but I think that's primarily due to the fact that these were all new characters and neither of us really has a feel of how to write for them yet (more on that later), and there were so many too which deprived focus from the characters we do know how to write for (also more on that later though). Change Penix to Roofio. As for Faggy Tail Land, well, I think I had a similar reaction to Joe. A lot of the humor I just didn't find humorous, and there's some stuff that honestly just makes me uncomfortable like anything having to do with Geppedo at all. Porn fucked a cricket. Also Rena was fucking the Dog, and I know I'm the one who pitched them being a couple, but I actually didn't really like seeing it in writing. Really just everything about Faggy Tail Land I did not like, and that's not even your fault, just the circumstances of the story. I don't like seeing all these male characters running around, being alive, no women, and all being massive sluts. Ali was raped. She should've been absent. SPEAKING OF ABSENCES, you made Blow absent and you can blow me for that. Take notice of how she's missed the two worst episodes of the series. I'm sensing a trend. Nah, but really, she could've spiced things up. You forcing absences is very autistic of you. Tbh PORN could've been absent cos yeah... ew. Umm what else, oh, yeah I didn't find the Rena/Dog IRL scene funny. I was just :| by it and almost skipped the rest of it tbh. Like... moo. Anyways, the Imp died. Tragic. Except good because this episode tainted him worse than OUaT 5x18 tainted Red. Now, in regards to the writing of this episode, usually you're a terrific writer regardless of whether or not I like the actual story going on, but this episode felt more lazy than usual and I wasn't fond of the insane amount of meta that was used... and that's coming from me, who usually loves meta humor. Like, it's all over Devious Butlers. And as for the new characters, which I said I'd get back to, I think they could've used more planning out before writing this episode. Not story wise, but personality wise. And honestly I think that's the case with a lot of characters on this show. Sometimes I feel like the dialogue prioritizes humor over making distinguishable personalities, and while it's not become too much of a problem yet, I feel like it could in the future. I find that Rena and the Dog, for instance, are very similar in personality, or maybe the lack thereof to the point where either one could be saying something and you couldn't tell the difference. But tbh that sometimes applies to Porn and Ali and even Rumple, depending on what scene it is. I wish I took note of some examples, but I didn't, so yeah soz about that. It's kinda hard to explain tho, and it's not even all the time, but there are times -- this episode and others -- where it feels like there isn't really distinguished personalities between those characters. Blow and Queer are great - you've nailed them. Anyways, I'm sorry if all of this negativity makes you feel bad because I really don't mean for it to, I just wanna address it all now because, hey, might as well get it out of the way. I really do like OUaP, and the plan for 1x15 looks much better even though it's another fuck off character; at least the MAIN characters are relevant. But yeah, I'll try to be more involved with that episode, and the remainder of S1, all of which sound good. So yeah, baii.

EDIT: Another thing, when placing flashbacks, they should be led into by the character the episode is centric to. I didn't like how the Rena/Dog scene came before the Imp/Wicked Bitch flashback. Felt sudden and random. At the very least there should be some sort of transition into it. Like a line of dialogue or a certain scenery detail, idk. It just threw me off some and took a minute to understand what was going on because initially I'm pretty sure I thought we were in another FTL scene.

DeviousPeep (talk) 03:08, 7 November 2017 (UTC)

I'm having a harder time than I thought getting back into the swing of things. Two years without writing for these characters - or at all, really - do that, I suppose. I'm experiencing a bit of a writer's block when it comes to the individual scenes: I get the sense of where I'm headed, what I want to show overall, but to write each scene takes its toll on me. And for whatever reason, it's harder for me to envision what the characters DO rather than what they SAY. I still personally enjoy their dialogue, even though I get your point about the undistinguished personalities. I suppose there's far too many goody two-shoes right now, but you and I both know that's about to change, so here's hoping we can make that change work. As for the humor, I too felt there may have been way too much meta - I brought it up to you - so I'll try to skirt that moving forward, keep it to an appropriate minimum. I personally loved the Rena/Dog scene, shame you didn't. Kinda thought that was one of the best things I came up with for the episode. I didn't love ANY of the flashbacks, although I liked the Damodyke reveal, which, surprisingly, no one brought up. It's hard to balance out the humor and the drama in a series like this, when the humor can be so sordid and the drama can be so melo, therefore, both over-the-top, but on completely opposite spectrums. But, in my defense, YOU need to step up your game too. You know you do. It annoys me as much as you to have to constantly remind you to write the scenes, and not every single episode is gonna be a favorite, but we have to work together to make every one the best it can be. I know you feel underappreciated and that reflects in your writing, but your lack of writing leads to me not taking you seriously. It's a cycle we have to step out of. Regarding the Imp, in all fairness, perhaps HE was given the episode he deserved. He was always my least favorite to write for, and it shows. I grew so weary of constantly changing the pronouns to "it" and trying to make him funny. Sad to see it was a swing and a miss, but again, seems fitting. A pointless character was centric and died in a filler episode, and it was poorly received. One can't bet too surprised about that. - Renaboss (talk) 12:50, 7 November 2017 (UTC)