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Description[edit source]

This template is a sample infobox, to aid in the creation of new infoboxes.

Recommended usage: copy the template code to a new template page, and edit it there.

Infobox and template background[edit source]

See Help:Templates, Help:Infobox for some background on how templates and infoboxes work.

Notes[edit source]

  • The Title, First, Second, and Third rows show "Unknown" if their values are not specified.
  • The Image, Imagecaption, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth rows won't show up if their values are not specified.

Syntax[edit source]

 | title         = 
 | image         = [e.g. "Example.jpg"]
 | imagecaption  = 
 | first         =
 | second        =
 | third         =
 | fourth        =
 | fifth         =
 | sixth         =
 | previous      =
 | next          =

Samples[edit source]

 | title         = A pretty flower
 | image         = Example.jpg
 | imagecaption  = Floweris flowerum
 | first         = Pink and green
 | second        = Outdoors
 | fourth        = Annual
 | previous      = I
 | next          = III

Results in...

<infobox> <title source="title"><default>Unknown</default></title>

<image source="image"></image> <group> <header>Some attributes</header> <label>First</label><default>Unknown</default> <label>Second</label><default>Unknown</default> <label>Third</label><default>Unknown</default> </group> <group> <header>Other attributes</header> <label>Fourth</label> <label>Fifth</label> <label>Sixth</label> </group> <group layout="horizontal"> <header>Order</header> <label>Previous</label> <label>Next</label> </group> </infobox>